Point of View: Solution Architecture

Good architecture makes the system easy to understand, easy to develop, easy to maintain, and easy to deploy. The ultimate goal is to minimize the lifetime cost of the system and to maximize programmer productivity.

- Robert C. Martin, Clean Architecture

The very term ‘Architecture’ is a borrowed from engineering and is probably the most loaded expression you’d hear in the realm of computer science and software engineering. There are myriad of definitions, and disagreements on what software and solution architecture really is; SEI (Software engineering institute ) and IEEE have built some larger definitions around defining what software architecture is, what however we would keep it simple by stating that software’s architectural design is a way of providing structure of practices which help simplify domain modeling, and help make design decisions in alignment with business problems.

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Matt Mousseau

I suppose you could say creativity, engineering, and passion for learning are simply in my blood.

My grandfather built computers that monitored flow through oil and gas pipelines all over the globe, and early in life our back-and-forth Q&A lead to my interest in electronics.

A constant thirst to understand drove me to dig into programming and continues to push me further today.

More than just love, I believe in technology.

Practice Area Lead,
Slalom Consulting

Orange County,